My most recent experiences and insights

  • “Run over” by an Artificial Intelligence

    Just 2 weeks ago, I gave a talk on “digital skills” to university students. The basic objective was to make them understand that either you keep up with technology or you will get run over by it. And I actually gave quite a few examples on the evolution of Artificial Intelligence. There were many other… Read more

  • Social is becoming less and less social

    Social is supposed to refer to relationships between humans. And social networks are the result of establishing such relationships. People connecting with people. Platforms that allow people to tell whatever is on their minds. And other people can read it, listen to it, see it. And give their opinion. With hearts, thumbs or, if you’re… Read more

  • On the Treasury, the Judiciary and the security of your business

    I know this is not the first time I have spoken about this. And, probably and sadly, it will not be the last. News in the press these days: A hack through the judiciary steals data of half a million taxpayers from the Treasury. The Information Services speak of an unprecedented data leak that also… Read more

  • We ignore the abstract, but the concrete stings

    There are concepts that are used and abused to a point where the mind stops seeing them. Like those ads that you ignore on the side of any website. One such concept is “digital transformation”. It’s not that it’s not important. It’s just that it sounds so abstract that it doesn’t do anything for us.… Read more

  • Don’t wait until you are in pain to ask for a diagnosis

    It’s not common, but sometimes it happens. Still, it never ceases to amaze me when it does. It is normal for a computer system to have points for improvement. Many times, quite a few points of improvement. Some are even in the ICU. But I rarely come across a system where there is no obvious… Read more

  • Stop stacking stones

    There are few things that make me more nervous than a computer desktop full to bursting with icons. Chaos at its finest. The funny thing is when someone downloads a new file from the Internet and leaves it on the desktop. And then they hide the browser to see the desktop, and it takes them… Read more