My most recent experiences and insights

  • AC/DC and its implications

    It’s funny how many meanings a single word can have. Or, in this case, abbreviations. First was Before Christ/After Christ. (Note: Yes, I know, dear international reader, this article doesn’t hold up in English because it relies on puns that only make sense in Spanish. That’s what happens with certain translations. Like the origin of… Read more

  • Dying of success? The Clubhouse case

    It takes an awful lot to launch a successful app. In fact, it is most likely to die along the way. There are many people who try and very, very few manage to stand out and become, quite simply, sustainable. But what is more curious is that an application that achieves the necessary relevance, that… Read more

  • The multiple personality of a founder

    In the space of a few days I have been approached by two projects seeking my collaboration. They are two very different projects. In very different sectors, although both are based on technology. But both have similar problems with the technological development part. And they are looking for someone to get involved in the project.… Read more

  • Well, lo and behold, I found my voice

    No. It’s not that I’ve gone hoarse. I recently wrote an article in which I commented on why I think it is a good strategy to write in my blog on a daily basis. And I also indicated why it is not advisable to write articles of excessive value. But what I didn’t explain in… Read more

  • Value is overvalued

    The title seems appropriate. My friend Ben Kastl suggests “Value is overvalued” after a conversation that begins with the now commonplace “I see you more active on social media”. This is one of the meetings that we periodically organise at the Mallorca Entrepreneurs Hub. And yes, I am certainly more active on social media. This… Read more

  • Data is already the new oil

    I have been hearing this phrase for years: Data is going to be the oil of the future. But these days the phrase has become much more tangible. Tesla has launched the subscription to full autonomous driving. Until now, autonomous driving was an add-on package to the vehicle itself that had to be purchased for… Read more